So what do you do when you get one? Maybe you're on your way to work... you don't want to get your business suit all dirty from the road, and your hands are bound to get greasy, and what if you're on a busy highway?
Here are some actions you can take to prepare for a flat tire.
1.) Pack a blanket... It may seem stupid, but keeping an old sheet or blanket in the trunk of your car can save you from having to lay on the dirty ground, and will protect your clothes from rips and tears.
2.) Buy a pair of gloves! They can be virtually any kind, you really only need something to block surface dirt and grease from getting on your hands. In addition, be sure to keep some alcohol wipes handy as well in case you to manage to get some grease or dirt on your hands.
3.) Stop in a safe place. Sounds ridiculous, right? Wrong! When you get a flat a thousand things might be rushing through your head, especially if you're on a busy highway. Most highways have a special pull-off zone marked by blue signs that you can utilize for such emergencies, and as long as it's only a few hundred feet away, don't be afraid to drive to it... you can't drive on a flat for miles, but tires and rims can take a lot of abuse (recommended don't drive more than 500 ft).
So if you get a flat, remember these tips, and stay calm... it's frustrating, but you'll get through it!