- End Your Wedding with a Bang
You've probably seen the scenes in movies where a newly wedded couple rides off to their honeymoon in a fantastic vehicle. You can do that too, no matter what your wedding budget is, by renting a car instead of buying one. Most rental car services offer convertibles and luxury cars that will make your guests' jaws drop during your cinematic exit.
- A First-class High School Reunion Arrival
As with your wedding, you want to arrive at and leave your high school reunion in style. Even if you never became the success you promised everyone you'd become, you can still look like you did. Go by your local car rental office or browse their website to find a car that conveys the message you want to send.
- First Date, First Impression
If you haven't had your wedding or a high school reunion, you may be more concerned about your dating life. They say that first impressions are everything, so why not pick up your date in a nice, clean car?